То есть ты идешь, мирно собираешь цветочки, мирно любуешься видами, мирно мочишь демонов... и тут внезапно. Простите, перевода не нашел, самому сейчас лень. А "като" - это стоп-слово. Тоже в каноне.
Cole: He almost says the word sometimes. Katoh. He tastes it in his mouth, sweet release a breath away, tongue tying it tenderly, like you tie him. But he doesn't, for you. And for him, because it makes it mean more. A fuller feeling, a brighter burst...
Iron Bull: Yeah. (Coughs) How's he feel about you saying this in front of everybody?
Inquisitor: I don't have a problem with it. We're two consenting adults and I'm not ashamed of what goes on in our bed.
Cole: But not just the bed! Sometimes against the wall... and once on the war table!
И все. У Инквизитора горят уши. Под игроком горит стул.
Или вот:
Cole: You act like you're in charge, The Iron Bull. But its really him. He decides when, and you measure it carefully, enough to enjoy, to energize, but never to anger. He's tied, teased, tantalized. But its tempered to what he wants. He submits, but you serve.
Iron Bull: Do you mind kid? If you take all the mystery, its not quite as hot.
Inquisitor: Bull, Yes it is.
Iron Bull: Right. My mistake. Carry on, kid.
Cole: What's an Orlesian Tickler?
Iron Bull: I'll tell you when you're older.
Cole: No, You won't.
Iron Bull: No, I won't.
С этим tickler меня вообще упороло. Ну, понял-то я его, разумеется, в связи со щекоткой. А потом что-то вставило, заглянул в словарик. Среди множества значений, помимо перышка для щекотки, там внезапно розга, жаргонное название ножа